User roles

Most permissions in Zulip can be granted to any combination of roles, groups, and individual users.

User roles make it convenient to configure permissions for your organization. You can decide what role a user will have when you send them an invitation, and later change a user's role if needed.

You can also manage permissions with custom user groups.


  • Organization owner: Can manage users, public channels, organization settings, and billing. Organization owners can do anything that an organization administrator can do.

  • Organization administrator: Can manage users, public channels, and organization settings. Cannot make someone an owner, or change an existing owner's role.

  • Moderator: Can do anything that members can do, plus additional permissions configured by your organization.

  • Member: This is the default role for most users. Members have access to all public channels. You can configure different permissions for new members and full members, which is especially useful for moderating open organizations. New members automatically become full members after a configurable waiting period.

  • Guest: Can view and send messages in channels they have been subscribed to. Guests cannot see other channels, unless they have been specifically subscribed to the channel. See guest users documentation for additional details and configuration options.

  • Billing administrator: The user who upgrades the organization to a paid plan is, in addition to their normal role, a billing administrator. Billing administrators can manage billing for the organization. For example, someone from your billing department can be a billing administrator, but not an administrator for the organization.

View users by role

  1. Navigate to the Users tab of the Organization settings menu.

  2. Select the desired role from the dropdown above the Users table.

Change a user's role

This feature is only available to organization owners and administrators.

An organization owner can change the role of any user. You can make yourself no longer an owner only if there is at least one other owner for your organization. An organization administrator cannot make someone an owner, or change an existing owner's role.

  1. Hover over a user's name in the right sidebar.

  2. Click on their avatar or the ellipsis () to the right of their name to open their user card.

  3. Click on the ellipsis () in the user card.

  4. Click Manage this user.

  5. Under User role, select a role.

  6. Click Save changes. The new permissions will take effect immediately.

You can also access the Manage user tab by clicking the pencil and paper () icon at the top of the user profile.

  1. Navigate to the Users tab of the Organization settings menu.

  2. Find the user you would like to manage. Click the manage bot () icon to the right of their name.

  3. Under User role, select a role.

  4. Click Save changes. The new permissions will take effect immediately.